Friday, April 22, 2011

I love the true America

 I have been reading comments on Fareed Zakaria commenting on the 'birthers' and it being coded racism.  It didn't take me long to think of the movie "The American President" and among many I think that the speech that Michael Douglas makes rings as true for this issue as it does for the story line that it follows.  Issues are different but the truth of the situation remains the same.

I love the true America

Now the American moguls are investing against their own dollar

 Wow...a two sided coin.  Will it hold any value after all is said and done?

Now the American moguls are investing against their own dollar

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hmm-Bush was involved, even back then

 In researching the last post I came across this post.  The 'his-story' we never knew.  Makes you wonder if there is anyone left wanting to buy the 'American Dream' they want to sell???  Don't you think it is time for the 'gig' to be up???

More Bay of Pigs details...your scandal is showing

Hmm - US and Russia in cooperation back in the days

I found this link that reveals some declassified information surrounding everything concerning extraterrestrial contact.  And a real strange twist that shows a close relationship with Russia, a country that back in the day seemed to be every American's target of hatred...what a spin.  And Kennedy.  The documents shown and the perceptions presented do present interesting questions.  They sure brought a dimension to what happened to him that begs to be further scrutiny. 
I am watching the Kennedy's on tv.  From what I have seen there and what I have read concerning him,  it appears as though he regretted listening to his advisers against his better judgment...and suffered for it until he was 'taken out'.

What did they cover up...and more importantly, why?

Pentagon is their own Wikileak

Interesting drop of the ball by the Pentagon

I wonder if they will behave towards themselves as they are behaving towards this young man?

'Claims' of Torturing Wikileaker

The old practice of do as I say not as I do has long outgrown it's welcome.  It only teaches either to be a hypocrite or paranoid of the authenticity of anyone in authority.  Or maybe it is a cry for help saying 'stop me from having to make one more decision or one more false flag that makes someone else as an enemy'.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to make using money NOT like an Inoperable Tumor

 I have come across this article in one of my tweets.  I find I have never really 'got' how to 'do' money so far.  I could never make the choice between today and tomorrow.  Every thing God has shown me is that it is a false choice and He doesn't ask me to choose.  He is always with me infinitum.  And Christ takes me only One Way.

How to Vanquish Debt Vampires

Monday, April 18, 2011

Time to stop the war - and clean the house

I have been watching the world with great interest as to what is going on right now.  I have been wondering just why we cannot not address simple truth...and truth is simple and profound, and all of heaven is there to say Yes! and Amen!  It is time to pay very close attention to what happens now.  It is clear and doesn't require a war to resolve it...only truth.

Found this article first and it was an eye opener to say the least:

April Gallop...and truth

I then googled the lady's name and found this...this reveals a whole lot more than the first:

Who does Johnny Walker serve???

The most current day troubles stem back to the issues surrounding 911.   There just isn't something right about it.  People have to live the lie???  No, people just have to recognize the mistake and God takes care of the rest.  I have come to depend on the gentle correction when it is needed, the continual love He brings always, regardless.  What can I do about Peace on Earth???  Bring to light what stands in the way.  Check out these links and watch this story break.  ALL His children were created for Heaven.  I am not willing to settle for less.  I can only remain devoted to the full turn around, and it starts with this issue.

Blessings abound now.